Get to Know Us
Get to Know Us
Chickasaw Capital Ventures, LLC (CCV) is a subsidiary of the Chickasaw Nation, a tribal government led by Governor Bill Anoatubby. The treaty territory of the Chickasaw Nation encompasses 7,648 square miles of south-central Oklahoma and spans across all or part of 13 Oklahoma counties. Through Governor Anoatubby’s vision, CCV builds upon the Chickasaw Nation’s economic strategy to support strong business ventures and a progressive economy.
The purpose of CCV is to establish programs funded by the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) that was reauthorized and expanded by the American Rescue Plan Act to benefit underserved communities.
CCV creates self-sustaining programs to aid small businesses for years to come. The Chickasaw Collateral Support and Chickasaw Venture Capital Programs provide resources for small businesses to expand, create jobs and promote economic growth.